Citizens raise awareness for what they love, so others may love it too.
A citizen's first responsibility is to raise awareness in their local area through curating a list of projects they love.
Citizens are empowered to start projects, by becoming a leaf (member) or opening branches (funded pursuits) in existing projects according to that project's rules.
Path to Citizenship
Citizens sign up for a WAX account
Live the Oath
The oath (below) ensures we all have a good game of life.
Citizens then will be socially verified
You take the oath publicly with at least three other members present.
This verifies a citizen is a unique-person (no double-accounts) and is at least 16 years old.
Find the channel in Discord to start social verification
Next, you can become a Local Leaders
When people copy your list of endorsed projects, you become a leader
If you choose to be active in projects, you can become a Top Collaborators
By being a trusted members of projects with a good reputation
The Tetra Oath
I accept my power as an inseparable and irreplaceable part of the one infinite creation.
I will authentically express myself.
I am a powerful creator of reality, and I will honor this power by focusing on the ideas, things and people I want to see more of in my community first.
I will give my honest opinion when asked, and reserve my right to be silent.
I will respect spaces + accept others. No one is perfect, no need to judge.
I will be present.
I will do my best to uphold this oath at all times.
Funding in RA is directed by citizen's public lists
A list holds 1-144 local projects that are funded if they meet deliverables
Citizens can also copy lists of another, making that person a local leader
Local Leader
A local leader is a person who has a good track record of publishing lists, providing project feedback, and gaining followers on their lists.
A leader's list may be followed by local citizens, so that when a leader makes a change, it it reflected on many lists, giving a leader higher impact power summing up all followers.
A citizen's onboarding process means that 3 people are being rewarded in some way for manually approving a prospect.
This is balanced with risk, because if anyone you approve has a double account, or is removed, it could force you to go through re-identification.
Alice starts in Discord, and one day takes the oath to serve her community. She is then verified by Charles, Pacha and Reese, Discord users who all have WAX accounts and call the smart contract to make a NFT based on the Eden paradigms.
Join us in Discord to get started
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