Raising Awareness (RA) within your community is the basis of our new economy. Attention is the new Gold standard. Tetra trusts you to choose where attention goes in your own community.
Your preferences matter. Ups (upvotes) get the word out, and you get rewarded.
Big Ups to Humanity
We're people. People are behind everything. Our interactions online determine what ideas spread, and how culture evolves.
Localnomics limits and monetizes "likes" in a local-first economy.
A bright alternative to shadow algorithms and advertising dollars determining truth and influencing behavior.
🌞 RA localizes awareness with tokens for each nation and state.
Awareness = The quality, recentness, and completeness of information a population has about something. In Tetra, awareness is reflected as the position on top-charts. Charts are a social feed for a locale instead of one person.
Raising Awareness tokens (RA + Local RAs) = A tokenized Upvote in a transparent competition for awareness. RA allows one person to plurally upvote one thing, but free upvotes are limited.
Markets - Spot trading and swaps where citizens who earn tokens can sell them, and anyone can buy them for other tokens, including for USDT and WAX.
Locale = A place operating with it's own local tokens, on launch tokens exist for each Nation and State (or highest administrative district) with Counties added as citizenship there passes threshholds.
What does RA do?
In essence, RA curates the top projects in every locale, globally.
1 RA is spent for 1 upvote on content, projects, or people. Anyone can spend as much RA as they want to raise awareness for anything on tetra.earth.
Local RA-like tokens (USARA, CANRA, MEXRA, etc) can upvote in that local only, and RA works anywhere.
Learn more about how RA runs the Top Charts
🌞 How citizen earn RA + Local RA tokens
When a citizen participates as described in Lists + Reviews they unlock a stream of RA and local tokens.
Citizens can claim their locale's currency daily, plus RA every 3 months if they review all projects they are supporting on time.
Each participating citizen can claim 144 local tokens, and 144 RA daily*.
Local tokens are unlocked by publishing lists
Lists also influence top charts in an equal amount to a citizen's earnings.
* - RA is unlocked by:
Reviewing the projects on your list
This takes three months
Local RA upvotes (USARA, COLRA, MEXRA) sort local charts, RA influences any chart
Here's an overview of the local token naming. (See namespacing for more info)
The Power of Local RA
Although local RA can only be spent where it is earned, upvotes are counted the same in the algorithm to determine the top projects globally.
It has the same value for influencing national and global charts, but a limited domain of projects it can propel to national and global charts.
Local events break the fourth wall.
Through localnomics, Tetra weaves real connections by paying you RA to stay aware of what the projects you love are doing, and hold them accountable towards their publicly-stated goals. This model decentralizes truth and encourages caring enough to check up on the projects you want to see succeed in your area.
We want to see people connect for real, in real life, to weave new truths and storylines for Earth. Tetra.earth enables a grid of sharing that brings economic value to these connections.
We empower ambassadors to organize events under the Tetra banner.
Crafting a Network of Stability
One active citizen can earn 144 RA + 144 locale RA tokens daily. That's up to 576 tokens added to the total supply for each person.
🔑 RA is burned every upvote.
Charts create an advertising model, one based around burning 50-100% of the tokens that are spent.
Because RA has a stable citizen-backed inflation, and a variable demand-backed deflation, the economy develops an ebb and flow.
Demand rhythmically matches chart cycles of days, months, and seasons. Both personal psycological needs like recognition and acceptance, and business needs of conversions drive deflation of RA, passing value to all who earn it.
Unlike many crypto projects, RA's token starts from 0. Savvy investors who want to bet on the idea can still buy TETRA, with a lock period that can be converted to RA later.
RA, Awareness, and Attention
Local RA gives local people power over the charts of their locale.
When there's high local demand, local tokens may become worth more than RA itself, increasing the wealth of everyone who has been working diligently to create + curate local projects and creations.
Last updated