
Recurve is a fractal governance game to elect Regional and National leaders

Calling all Leaders

Once a region is activated through Localize, Reps and Chiefs take over administration of the region.

Each leader is elected and serves a term alongside other leaders.

What can leaders do?

  • Implement House Rules

    • Change Discovery algorithms

    • Change passport requirements

    • Change Recurve meetings

    • Ban / allow types of offers

  • Implement Procedures

    • Arrange partnerships

    • Modify oath to become a citizen

  • Hold local events

Leader Types


Short for representative and capitalized for style, Reps are elected by peers at fortnightly (every two weeks) meetings (Level 6) and play a role in governance (House Rules and Procedures). Reps within a region are ranked by the amount of weeks they were elected Rep.


  • Continue contributions

  • Encouraged to join a role, listed in Localize


  • Can propose changes to House Rules or Procedures

Reps are elected every fortnight, and serve for 2 months, or if they pick a role they continue with Rep benefits as long as they continue the role and show up for 1+ meeting per month.


Elected at bi-annual Recurve elections and responsible for ratifying House Rules and Procedures. All Chiefs are also Reps, and only Reps are able to run for Chief. Chiefs may not begin campaigning, or even announce their candidacy at a meeting until six months before the election. Once a chief has served their term, they are not eligible for the next election, but are eligible for any elections after that.


  • Ratify or veto changes to House Rules and Procedures


  • Split 50% of the total revenue from regional Barons + Stewards

A new Chief is elected each 6 months, and serves for 2 years.

Election Process Overview

  1. All participants join a biweekly Zoom meeting

  2. Breakout groups of 4-6 people.

    1. Each person shares contributions they did / others benefitted from in past 2 weeks

    2. Group picks the person they think did the most to represent them

    3. Group comes to consensus for who did the most + sign on-on-chain

  3. Reps hold title and privileges for 2 months

Those elected then group together again to elect from the Reps, and rounds continue until a winner is chosen.

Governance of the region is through the Localize system.

Overview of Meeting format:

Welcome Noobs

  • 30 minutes Prior: Chiefs and Reps welcome new members, who are encouraged to show up early with questions to not disrupt main event.

Start of Main Event

  • Landing (10 minutes)

  • Main consensus voting (50 Minutes)

    • Presentations (30 min, 5 minutes each candidate)

    • Consensus + recording votes (20 minutes)

  • Regrouping / share (20 minutes)

    • All breakout rooms share and reps get 3 mins each to speak

  • Second Round (if total of 4+ representatives who want to continue)

Recurve Continued

We have a few vital aspects of Recurve yet to cover.

  1. Global recurve will be activated at 12,000 registered users

  2. Then local Recurve must be activated by region or country

  3. Each member must be Level 4 (Socially Verified) to take part in elections

  4. After we have enough global activity, Projects launch, which have deliverables and ways to create.

You now see that Recurve isn't going to be here for a while, so for now focus on setting up your Passport

Social Verification

A ritual where three already-verified people meet with someone who wants to get to Level 4. The prospect agrees on-video to uphold the rules of engagement (an Oath), and proof is uploaded on-chain.


Representatives (Level 7+) direct RA to projects. Projects produce deliverables. Deliverables are seasonal and rated by Project and the rep from 0-100. Learn how projects work by making a project on paper.

Projects are activated per-region after Recurve reaches a certain activity level there.

Council of Chiefs

Chiefs choose how they meet and what they do.

All 4 Chiefs must vote to approve something a proposal to change House Rules or Procedures. If a proposal is vetoed by one Chief with three Chiefs approving, it can pass in the next session (after a new Chief is elected) if it 3 or more chiefs approving.

Chiefs can use their official title to lead and influence in any way they see fit, and are encouraged to open partnerships with local businesses and communities.

Fun Fact: Tetra's founder was the 100th member of the original fractal governance called Fractally

Last updated