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🙋What is Tetra? is the web3 Craigslist - on a map. Activate a global grid of p2p offers with fierce local competitions.

Users, known as Tetrans, use their daily RA to to post offers for engagement with their channels, digital products and services, and real-world businesses.

Organic, economized engagement is tracked and charted regionally, opening a daily game of discovery of where activating an offer pulses local citizens up to national and global recognition.

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Our Values

Authentic Sharing

Anything offered by an individual that others value is welcome, regarding rules.

Positive Attention

All attention is positive, so we should be intentional with our attention, as it is limited and valuable.

Expansive Connections

Expanding our exposure to what fellow humans are creating lets us weave connections that empower bonds lasting years.

Victorious Value

Show yourself and let the magnitude of your shine order the gravitational pull your work has in the grid. Win eternal shine by shining brightest in your region for a short span.

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